The European Project “Victims and Corporations” from the Università Cattolica di Milano, publishes new materials and offers training.

The Project, coordinated by the Centre “Federico Stella” from the Università Cattolica di Milano, specifically addressed at applying Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, has published, among other materials, the National Empirical Research Report. The


Shell faces a new lawsuit before Dutch courts for alleged complicity in unlawful arrest, detention and executions in Nigeria

Together with three other wives of the Ogoni 9, executed in 1995 by the Nigerian military government following an unfair trial, Esther Kiobel has launched a new lawsuit against Shell in the Netherlands, the company’s home country, for its alleged complicity in these crimes.  The context in which these events take place is the violent


The UN’s Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) requests States to provide information on State-based non-judicial mechanisms in the case of business-related human rights violations before May 31st, 2017

The OHCHR has launched a series of questions directed to States in the context of the “Accountability and Remedy Project II” (ARP II). The questions address the current practices and challenges with respect to the use of State-based non-judicial mechanisms as a way of enhancing access to remedy in cases of corporate abuse.    


Hearing on Business and Human Rights in the EU external policies in the European Parliament

The European Parliament will host a joint hearing on ‘Business and human rights in EU External Policies: due diligence, non-financial reporting and access to remedies’ tomorrow 3 May. The activity has been co-organised by the Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Committee on International Trade of the Parliament. It has the purpose of boosting the


European Regulation on Conflict Minerals

On the 3rd of April, the Council of Europe, after reaching an agreement with the European Parliament, adopted a regulation obliging EU companies to source their imports of tin, tantalum and gold responsibly. The Regulation, which will become binding from 1 January 2021, also requires companies to ensure that their supply chains do not contribute