What we do

What we do

Indago develops its work in two main areas: training and the design of a system to assess and monitor the compliance of international human rights standards by business enterprises. Our entire work is based on a continuous, up-to-date and solid research activity.

Within its educational area, Indago offers training programs to public administrations, universities, business enterprises and other types of companies. The purpose of these courses is to provide different actors with specific knowledge on the implementation of international human rights standards in the economic activity. Training is adapted to the different demands and characteristics of the entities and people addressed.

Indago’s work in the area of assessment is directed to the design of a system and a methodology to assess and monitor companies’ compliance with international human rights standards throughout their operations. Our research is based on the framework established by the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights and on the standards enshrined by international human rights law.

On the one hand, this system will allow companies to identify, assess, prevent and remedy the negative human rights impacts of their activities. On the other hand, it will enable public administrations to implement their human rights commitments and policies throughout their public procurement and purchasing programs, as well as in their public tendering and aids to private companies. Finally, outcomes from research in this area will provide consumers and users with the tools needed to identify the degree of human rights respect in the products and service they use.


Knowledge is an essential element for any meaningful and sustainable social change. As a result of Indago’s commitment to this statement, we want to contribute to the education and training of relevant stakeholders (business enterprises, public administrations and universities)  in issues relevant to guarantee human rights’ respect in the economic activity.


Indago works on the design of an innovative a system for the assessment and monitoring of human rights respect by business enterprises. This system is based on the framework set out by the United Nations Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Principles), and interprets them in the light of international human rights law.